Wednesday, January 16, 2008

tip of the week...

Since everyone has started editing blog templates and such, I just wanted to share another tip about a very useful program: Notepad++ This program is open source -- so it doesn't cost anything. It is the swiss army knife of text editors -- very useful when editing your html templates, css, etc. It has built in syntax highlighting for a number of scripting and programming languges, and tab-based editing of multiple files at once. It also has useful features like a "find in files" which lets you search for text in multiple files.
I know.... who cares about text editors... but coming soon -> pidgin vs trillian, and avast vs norton


Anonymous said...

Greetings Nerd! (pushing up coke-bottle glasses on nose)

Anonymous said...

who even knows what 'syntax highlighting' means?!?!

Anonymous said...

*I* know what syntax highlighting means!!! (At least, I think I do....)