Saturday, December 8, 2007

to shave or not to shave...

(picture replaced because jenn said the other one was just creepy...)

So after not shaving for a few days at Thanksgiving, I decided to continue to not shave to see how I would look with a goatee.. The problem is, I am follicly challenged. That is to say, I have trouble growing hair, and apparently not just on the top of my head. This is the first time I have really gone any length of time without shaving - and my goal is to wait until Christmas to see how much has grown in to decide if I like it.. I'm just not sure that it is genetically possible for me to actually grow in a reasonable looking mustache.. (if there is such a thing).

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is the email we got at work "FYI - from Security, they have advised that there has been a shooting at Von Maur at the Westroads. Security has asked that you please be aware of your surrounding if you are leaving the office and that the shooter is still on the loose. "

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

If your nose is running, and you don't have a kleenex.... Should you just let it drip on the floor, or should you stick out your tongue to catch the snot as it streams down your face?